Control container
A compact and simple solution for monitoring emissions to
rivers and waterways.
Monitor your emissions
Nordisk Vannteknikk is pleased to present our simple and space-saving solution for monitoring emissions into rivers and waterways. The control container system is built to be able to easily monitor all relevant parameters for emissions, without taking up too much space.
The system is built into an insulated, 8-foot container, and includes pH measurement, turbidity measurement, a water flow meter, conductivity and an automatic water sampler, as well as online management and logging.
The system can be delivered in smaller sizes, all the way down to 4 feet container, and can be delivered with the exact equipment you need.
With the control container, you can easily get an overview of all parameters that are relevant to your business. The facility is supplied with standard equipment, but we have the option of supplying equipment according to your needs.
Management and online logging
With our solution for monitoring emissions, you can easily control components such as water samplers online from PC or mobile devices. If you also want a treatment solution for water, this can also be controlled from the same system.
With online logging you can monitor all parameters online in real time and retrieve historical logs. The logs can be displayed online either as a bar graph or a line graph, or you can download the log in the form of a table. Here you can easily get an overview of all measurements and at what time the measurements were taken. You can easily choose how often the measurements are to be recorded and how often the files are to be saved.
Space-saving and flexible
The control container is designed to be able to monitor emissions regardless of where the recipient is located. The system is therefore built to be compact and to save space so that it does not stand in the way of either your business or the nature. The system is delivered as standard in an 8-foot steel container, but can, if desired, be delivered in a 4-foot container for an even more compact solution, and with the measuring instruments you need.
Adjusted to nature
The control container is designed to protect the environent, and it is natural that it has the opportunity to adapt to its surroundings. The container can therefore be delivered stained in whatever color you want, or covered in wood panels to blend in.