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Garasje & Vaskehall

Rensing og gjenbruk av vaskevann.

Avrenning fra garasjer og vaskehaller inneholder ofte kjemikalier og olje som er skadelig for miljøet. Heldigvis finnes det gode løsninger for fjerning av forurensing fra denne typen virksomhet, og Nordisk Vannteknikk har mye erfaring og kompetanse innenfor dette feltet.

Buss som kjører på landevei med knallblå himmel

Wash halls for buses and large vehicles

Commissioned by Vy Buss, Nordisk Vannteknikk has developed a treatment system that has contributed to the opening of the first swan-labeled wash hall for buses at their facility in Eidsvoll. The san-label includes, but not limited to, strict requirements for the water that is discharged, as well as a high degree of reuse, which should lead to a significant reduction in water consumption.


The results have been very good, and the system has shown to be capable to reuse up to 95% of the washing water. For that reason, two new systems have been delivered to the Vy Buss facilities in Hamar and Brumunddalen,  and more are on the way.

Lastebil spyles av et bilvaskeanlegg

Wheel washer

In addition to building treatment plants for car washes, Nordisk Vannteknikk also supplies mobile washing units for washing the wheels and undercarriage of large vehicles. The units are efficient and space-saving, which makes them well suited for use on construction sites, and can be used for flushing everything from cars, buses and trucks, to construction machinery and military vehicles.


The washing unit is supplied with a purification system for cleaning and reusing the washing water. The facility is mobile and can be scaled according to capacity requirements.

Lastebil spyles av et bilvaskeanlegg


All businesses that discharge oily waste water need an oil separator. Examples of such businesses are car washes, lubrication/service halls, workshops and garages. There are a number of requirements associated with the installation of an oil separator. The requirements vary based on your location, so it may be a good idea to see which requirements apply to you on your government's website.


Our oil separators are made of polypropylene and are therefore sturdy and can withstand a number of chemicals. Additionally, they are easy to install and require little maintainance. The oil separators we supply come in a number of different variations and sizes, but we have two main categories: above ground oil separators and underground oil separators.


De mobile oljeutskillerne er designet for å kunne monteres inne på gulv. De er derfor lave i vekt og lette å håndtere slik at de lett kan fraktes gjennom dører og monteres på steder der det er vanskelig å komme til.

Nedgravbare oljeutskillere

De nedgravbare oljeutskillerne er designet for montasje under bakken. De er har derfor et robust design som tåler belastningen under bakken, men er samtidig lave i vekt og enkle å håndtere. Utskillerne leveres også med en justerbar servicesjakt for enkel tilgang for service og vedlikehold.

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