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Clean water is an important resource that we have often taken for granted. That is about to change as we see an increase in record braking droughts and forest fires around the world. Therefore, water purification has become an important step in the process of ensuring a more sustainable future. The requirements for pollution are becoming increasingly strict, and the demand for reliable treatment solutions is increasing.
Nordisk Vannteknikk strive to deliver reliable solutions that meet these requirements. There are a variety of solutions that exist today, and Nordisk Vannteknikk will always be able to help you find the right solution for your needs.
Not sure what you are looking for? Look for your industry below to see what we can help you with.
Gjenvinning av vann fra bussvask.
Nordisk vannteknikk har utviklet et anlegg for rensing og gjenvinning av vann fra vask av buss og storbiler.
​Anlegget har mulighet til å gjenvinne optill 95% av vaskevannet, noe som har bidratt til at vaskehallene anlegget har blitt installert i har blitt tildelt Svanemerket.
Nordisk Vannteknikk work closely with every client to find the best possible sollution for every project. We are proud to collaborate with businesses who take their environmental responsability seriously.
Wish to know more?
If you wish to know more about what we can help you with, contact us by email, or by phone +47 32 82 95 90.