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Variert mat på restaurant

Grease separator

If you produce or prepare food, you probably need a grease separator that removes the grease from the water before releasing it into the public sewer system. Businesses that might need a grease separator include restaurants, cafes, catering businesses and manufacturers of food and beverages.


Nordisk Vannteknikk supplies grease separators in various variants and sizes at competitive prices. Regardless of available space, water flow or other needs, we will help you find the right solution for you.


Last ned SINTEF-dokumentasjon på våre fettutskillere her

Operation principle

The grease separator's job is to separate out grease from the waste water before it is released to the public sewer system.


The main principle for all models of grease separators is the same: because grease has a lower density than water, the grease will drift upwards in the tank and form a grease layer on top of the water. At the same time, heavier particles will sink to the bottom and form a layer of sludge. The outlet for the clean water is therefore located in the middle of the tank so that only the cleanest possiblewater will exit the tank at all times.


The inlet is designed to avoid unwanted movements in the water and thus increases the effect of the separation. If desired, the grease separators can be supplied with a range of additional equipment for automatically emptying and cleaning of the tank.

Teknisk tegning av innsiden av en Sepko fettutskiller, nedgravbar modell

Above and underground separators

Above ground grease separator

The mobile grease separators are compact, easy to install and are intended for installation on the floor. They are small enough to fit through normal doors, and are therefore perfect for small businesses where it can be installed in a back room. The mobile grease separators can be supplied in various models and with a range of equipment, including a mixer and a pump for easier emptying and cleaning of the tank. Contact us and we'll help you find the perfect grease separator for your business!

Underground grease separator

The underground grease separators are larger and have a higher capacity. These grease separators come with an adjustable maintainance shaft that includes a ladder and lid for easy access to the tank. The grease separators are flexible and can be adapted to the size you need, how deep it should be buried, and how much weight the lid must withstand. Contact us and we will help you find the right grease separator for your business!

Mobil fettutskiller for montering på gulv med prøvetakingskum
Teknisk tegning av innsiden av en Sepko fettutskiller, nedgravbar modell

For more information and price offer, contact Espen by phone +47 901 05 591, or by e-mail

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