Control container
The control container is a simple and space-saving solution for monitoring discharges to rivers and waterways.
For more information and price quotes, please contact Dag-Einar Krantz by email or by mobile phone 412 43 750.
The control container is a simple system for monitoring a number of important water quality parameters. The system is designed to be able to monitor water quality without taking up too much space or being in the way of nature. Therefore, the system is delivered standard in an 8-foot container, but can also be delivered in smaller sizes down to 4 feet. The control container can be delivered ready-stained, or clad in wilderness panels.
The control discharge system is intended to monitor the parameters that are important for maintaining good water quality, and is supplied as standard with a pH meter, turbidity meter, flow meter and automatic water sampler, but you can choose the measuring instruments you want according to your needs.
In addition, the system has the option of online monitoring and logging. This means that you can view all parameters in real time over the internet, either on a PC or a mobile device. You will also be able to retrieve historical logs for all parameters. The system can also be used for automatic control of various components and dosing of chemicals if cleaning solution is also desired.